Jun 27, 2023Liked by Leigh Kamping-Carder

One thing I would have liked too know when I was a kid if I really did have asthma or If it was pah the whole time

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This was so enlightening! I've had a lapse in care, never met another person with my defect, and am only just learning -- at almost 36 years old -- that pregnancy and other fertility measures may be more complicated or risky for me. Research and outreach like this is so needed!

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One way patients lost to care can find out about the CHI surveys is to regularly post them on social media channels - Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, especially sites that women visit because they tend to be good at sharing. Ask “Did you or someone you know have heart surgery as a child?” And include the link. They may see the post at a time when they feel something may not be right with their health but not realize it has to do with their CHD, which they think (or were told) was cured.

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