Jun 25Liked by Leigh Kamping-Carder

Happy birthday!

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Thank you!

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Jun 24Liked by Leigh Kamping-Carder

Happy birthday! And thank you so much for including my newsletter in this collection of newsletters about aging. 🙏

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Thanks for reading!

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Jun 24Liked by Leigh Kamping-Carder

I turned 70 in November. I now tell Myself every day is one day closer to retirement and is the first day of the rest of my life. No one thought I’d live past 7 so I guess I’m doing pretty good!

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That's great!

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Jun 23Liked by Leigh Kamping-Carder

When I turned 60 I celebrated all year long! I celebrated with family and friends with 8 (yes 8!) different parties all over the country. With different friends groups. It was an awesome year!!

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Amazing! Love it!

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Jun 23Liked by Leigh Kamping-Carder

I turned 50 this year and after spending a week last Fall in the "heart failure wing" of Cleveland Clinic, my husband invited our 10 best couples friends to a weekend away at a local winery! It was a wonderful party surrounded by those 10 "besties" and was super meaningful to me, the speeches shared made me feel so loved & treasured! Milestones are amazing celebrations 🍾!

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That sounds amazing!

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Jun 23Liked by Leigh Kamping-Carder

Birthdays and New Year's Eve are when I feel most aware of the passage of time -- and how filled or unfilled my life is.

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Even though they are just days like any others! :)

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Jun 23Liked by Leigh Kamping-Carder

Good to remember!

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Jun 23Liked by Leigh Kamping-Carder

Happy Birthday Leigh. Thank you for sharing your writings with us and your advocacy for the CHD community. You are a gift to all of us.

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Thank you! ❤️

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Jun 23Liked by Leigh Kamping-Carder

Happy birthday yes it is a milestone. Everyone. celebrate yourself always!

Mine is coming in about two weeks and I’m not sure how I’m going to celebrate it but you’ll inspire me to do something !

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Yay! Happy early birthday!

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